SWRRT Mechanism Science And Technology CO.,Ltd
——Brief introductionSWRRT Mechanism science and technology Co., Ltd, located 司艾特公司坐落在中国浙江省宁波市北仑区,
in Beilun district Ninbo city Zhejiang Province China, not far from airport-30km, and just 2km from Ningbo port, specialize in die 离机场30公里,离宁波港口两公里。我们**做冲压件,
casts, rachet buckles, blocks, hooks, snap hooks, wire ropes, 拉紧器,锁扣,钩子,弹簧扣,卡头, thimble, weldment and a variety of other hardwares,
套环,焊接件及其它相关类五金产品we can also make products according to your samples and 我们也能照着样品和图纸做出你们想要的产品,以便为你省时,少钱。
drawings so that to save your time and money. With our advanced technology, equipment, highly trained staff, and stringent 以我们先进的技术,设备,训练..